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Worlds 1-3 are free for use. Only $1 per month to get access. Price List. Worlds 1-3 are free for use. Only $2 per month to get access. Price List. Worlds 1-3 are free for use. Only $4 per month to get access to all games. World 1 is free for use. Only $4 per month to get access to all games.

Id Time since update Players Total Power Average Power
Berra1 (English) 2yrs 9m 12d 46363 81.94bn 1,767k
Drake2 (English) 2yrs 9m 12d 42290 59.44bn 1,405k
Howell3 (English) 2yrs 9m 12d 38665 50.11bn 1,296k
Amenta4 (English) 2yrs 9m 12d 37926 63.24bn 1,667k
Swift5 (English) 2yrs 9m 15d 41690 56.58bn 1,357k
Ferris6 (English) 2yrs 9m 14d 45786 58.43bn 1,276k
Tobin7 (English) 2yrs 9m 14d 85308 63.55bn 745k
Elam8 (English) 2yrs 9m 12d 23111 49.85bn 2,157k
Wells9 (English) 2yrs 9m 12d 25509 50.17bn 1,966k
Pierce11 (Français) 2yrs 9m 13d 77732 114.15bn 1,468k
Todaro12 (Italiano) 2yrs 9m 12d 86899 127.66bn 1,469k
Nunez13 (Deutsch) 2yrs 9m 12d 60322 108.88bn 1,805k
Stavins14 (Español) 2yrs 9m 12d 61540 151.44bn 2,460k
Perlis15 (Br. Portuguese) 2yrs 9m 13d 46579 50.16bn 1,077k
Torske18 (Deutsch) 2yrs 9m 13d 58754 50.69bn 862k
Perrine19 (Español) 2yrs 9m 13d 117848 67.94bn 576k
Slade20 (Br. Portuguese) 2yrs 9m 12d 48373 30.26bn 625k
Berra21 (English) 2yrs 9m 12d 94204 36.87bn 391k
Drake22 (English) 2yrs 9m 14d 41659 53.77bn 1,290k
Howell23 (Français) 2yrs 9m 14d 34466 25.66bn 744k
Amenta24 (Turkish) 2yrs 9m 13d 20522 10.28bn 501k
Swift25 (English) 2yrs 9m 13d 11947 18.58bn 1,555k
Ferris26 (English) 2yrs 9m 13d 11951 23.54bn 1,970k

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